Our company's experience includes:
22 years in charge of all the test and computer systems of Oram Electric Industries LTD-Israel.
Construction of special pneumatic test system for Payton Group Transformers.
Design and Service of High-Power Power Supplies for the IDF army for Ground Radars systems and Aircraft starters (airplanes and helicopters external P.S.).
21 years in charge of the Head of Computers Dep. and college computer systems of Ort Yad Giora -Herzliya-Israel. In charge of the School WEB.
Since 1978 Saul Coval begun to work in technical high schools and practical engineering colleges, teaching microcomputers, computers languages, operational systems and computer communications, and since 1980 he became Head of Computers Dep. and computer systems of Ort Yad Giora Technical college and High school untill june 1999. At the same time begun the development of TEACHING AIDS and Special Teaching Methods.
Today Saul Coval is a senior teacher of Operational Systems, Micro Processors, Computer Comunications and Computer Programming at :
Ort Singalowsky Programming Engineering College ;
Bet Berl Programming Eng. , The College of Business;
Ort-Polak (Tel Aviv), Ort-Harmelin (Natania), MCSC, Web Masters basics and professional computer engineering teaching ; AMAL teaching network (Petach Tikva, Ramla).

Saul Coval's goal is to be involved as much as he can in the Technical Hi Tech Education and Industrial progress to enter into the 21'th Century with new teach young minds.
Since 1972 Saul Coval has been working whith his company in the design of electronic test systems and electronic controls for power supplies in aircrafts and radar stations. Also instrument and components testing.
Quality control advising and personalized checking has been the main interest of the company. Other specialized services are concentrated in computer systems, communication networking (Novell and Windows), maintenance and failure detection in computers and nets and Web page design.
- We work together with a net engineer, web designer, business BA graduates and a High level teacher of computers.
- We advice, program, design and manufacture special test systems for your industrial line. We design from simple test jigs to the most sophisticated, including the use of complicated test systems like Voltac and Whaynekerr connected to a computer data bases that look about the progress of the line test (Principally transformers and power supplies line testing).
- We work on computer systems and create communication networks for companies (such as Novell and Windows), advice, construction and service for computers, nets and making of commercial and educational web pages.
- Teaching and Education. Development of TEACHING AIDS and Methodes of education in technical high schools and practical engineering colleges, teaching: microcomputers, computers languages, operational systems and computer communications.