Push any one to find a birief explanation from some of the works.
- Auto test System 03
- Automatic Solder 3
- Automatic Winding_a
- Automatic Winding_b
- Electronics Load 01
- Electronics Load 04
- Functional Test 06
- HP Auto Trafo Test
- High Volt Test 10KV
- High Volt Test 10KV
- High Volt Test 15KV
- High Volt Test 5KV
- IBM Auto Trafo Test
- IBM Ferro Trafo Test
- IBM Trafo Test 01
- Solder Machine 01
- Solder Machine 02
- Telcom Dev Tst Jig
- Teledata Jig LCR
- Whaynekerr Jig LCR

This section describes briefly our products. You will find pictures and a small explanation about the process shown (example: test jigs and instruments designed by our company). For more details, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Our customer service policies and prices depend on each work and costumers needs.